General Posts

Online Marketing News this Week – 2nd Mar 2012

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

Google – 40 Search Changes plus Panda 3.3 Update Recently on the official search blog, Google announced 40 changes to their search system.  This is for February alone.  Interestingly, 4 of the changes which cause the most discussion come at the end of the list: Panda update. This launch refreshes data in the Panda system, [...]


SEO, Spellcasting and Snake Oil Salesmen

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

What do SEO and casting spells have to do with each other?  Well SEOs often seem to suggest that what we do is magic and those looking to learn SEO (or buy SEO services) get caught up in that notion too.  What you are looking for is an easy way out.  A shortcut.  Results without the [...]


Google and Keller Fay Study Word of Mouth Conversations

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Apparently there are 2.4 billion conversations every day in the US involving a brand.  What role do various types of media play in these conversations. Before, during and after?  Google and Keller Fay collaborated in a study to find out. Interesting Findings They found that 82% of Word of Mouth conversations happened Face to Face.  [...]


Online Marketing News this Week – 3rd Mar 2011

Friday, March 4th, 2011

  Content is King, Duplicate Content, Content Farms These are things that are constantly talked about by SEOs.  ‘King’ because the search engines see their task as finding new, original and best content, so you are advised to be constantly generating original, quality content on your site.  ‘Duplicate’ because the search engines do not like [...]


Where Do Your Customers Spend Time Online?

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

You want to take a strategic approach to your SEO and online marketing and we’ve already covered defining your market.  Defining your market is crucial because we need to come up with content that meets their needs, that can convert.  Content that they will share.  You’re going to need to develop content targeted to your market(s) and their needs [...]


Your Website Should Cost You NOTHING

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

I should be clear about this from the start.  I am not saying that your website should be FREE.  If you are looking for FREE, you are probably in the wrong place.  Your website should be cost neutral.  Indeed, it should go way beyond that.  Your website should make money, not cost money.  How Your [...]


How to Choose Your Online Marketing Company

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Looking for an online marketing company is a surprisingly difficult task.  I’ve been in this position as a buyer and it is really, really hard to tell which are the right people to move you forward and achieve results.  Everybody says the same things and there is often a massive knowledge gap between the customer [...]