Pay Per Click / Adwords

Find the Sales You Need

The Internet offers a vast range of paid advertising options. In 10+ years of Internet marketing, we have experience of running and improving Adwords campaigns as well as pay per click and other advertising on all major search engines. We have also setup and run bespoke campaigns on major sites such as,,, and smaller niche websites for individual projects.

For most sites the first step into paid advertising is Google's pay per click programme, Adwords.  Adwords and other Pay Per Click advertising offer clear, controllable and measurable costs and benefits. When set up correctly, you can measure the cost you pay per visitor. In fact, you can set it in advance. You can also measure the conversion of visitors to enquiries or sales.

With a proper setup and proper monitoring you will be able to establish the value of a contact. Track and improve your conversion rate of visitors to contacts. Establish what cost per visitor is profitable for your business and crucially, PAY NO MORE THAN THAT COST.

Compare that to traditional advertising on the radio, or the newspaper or even in the Golden Pages. You may shell out thousands and certainly hundreds of Euro after which you sit down and hope that the phone rings. And hope that it rings often enough to make the advertising profitable.

In the current climate, companies are slashing their marketing spend. Why? Because they are less than sure that the spend is delivering profitable business. With a well run online campaign you will not need to worry about that. You can clearly establish the effect of your campaign and spend your money where it is profitable.

Each website and business are unique and so each campaign will have different goals and different levels of involvement etc. but here are some of the ways we can help you if you are looking to outsource the management of your Adwords or other Pay Per Click campaigns:

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